ボブ・ディラン(Bob Dylan)-The Chronicles Vol.1のAudioBook

"I'd come from a long ways off and had started a long ways down. But now destiny was about to manifest itself. I felt like it was looking right at me and nobody else."

Bob Dylan's Chronicle: Volume One explores the critical junctions in his life and career. Through Dylan's eyes and open mind, we see Greenwich Village, circa 1961, when he first arrives in Manhattan. Dylan's New York is a magical city of possibilities -- smoky, nightlong parties; literary awakenings; transient loves and unbreakable friendships. Elegiac observations are punctuated by jabs of memories, penetrating and tough. With side trips to New Orleans, Woodstock, Minnesota and points west, Chronicles: Volume One is an intimate and intensely personal recollection of extraordinary times...(Article from TalkAlive.com)

ボブ・ディラン(Bob Dylan)の「The Chronicles Vol.1」のオーディオ・ブックを発見。
しかも、読み手がショーン・ペン(Sean Penn)ときては見逃せません。
ボブ・ディランのThe Chronicles Vol.1を日本語版を読まれた方、また、ショーン・ペンが気になる方は、是非おためしを。

HERE SAMPLEからサンプル版を視聴できます。


Chronicles - Volume One

ボブ・ディラン(Bob Dylan)-The Chronicles Vol.1のAudioBook

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